Do you have lots of great ideas for business and life in general? Do you get enthusiastic and pour loads of energy into them, but then nothing seems to happen? Then to top it off, someone ELSE comes out with the same idea a bit later and it's a hit! Does that get you down? What if you were just too quick for the rest of the world? What if you were having ideas that are perfect for 1, 5 or even 10 years in the future? So when you have a great idea, ask “Now or in the future?” Then tap into which feels light for you: now or in the future (if it's light, it's right for you, remember). If it's in the future, write your idea down in a special ideas notebook and re-visit it from time to time. Got a godzillion ideas? This is a great way to nurture and contribute energy to them when the time is right.
Do you sometimes do things that, well, just don't work out? In fact, you create complete rubbish? When you do this, do you default to how bad, wrong, terrible and awful you are? And how does that feel? Does it help you at all? Probably not. So what if instead, you acknowledged that you can be an AWESOME creator of rubbish. Say “Gee, I'm cute, but not bright!” Then laugh and ask "What's right about this I'm not getting?" and "What else is possible?" If you can create magnificent rubbish, you can undoubtedly create magnificent magnificence too. You just have to ask. What's the value of making yourself wrong? It's much more fun to be cute.
If everything is just an interesting point of view – including other people's opinions – how do you know who and what will be the greatest contribution to your life and living? First, ask a question, any question (choose from this book) then pay attention to what shows up and how you feel. Do you feel heavy? Do you feel light? If you feel light, it's right FOR YOU. If you feel heavy it's a lie FOR YOU. You know that clunky feeling you get when you just know something's not quite right? Listen to your senses and follow the lightness, even though it may not make logical sense at the time. How often have you said “I just KNEW it felt a bit off, even though I couldn't figure out why”? And remember, just because something is light for you, it may not be light for the person standing next to you. Who's life are you living anyway? Yours or theirs?
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October 2013